John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
Alistair, this Sunday morning 28/07/2024
Drifting from the Lord
Check out this great video
Our doors are open for all and all are welcome our vision is to see all of our People saved
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.Amen.
Luke 14:23
And the lord said unto the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
We are an evangelical Bible believing traveller gypsy movement our purpose is to share the gospel with our people that they would come to salvation and Grow in Christ jesus
These are 12 statements of our basic beliefs. Christians may vary on points and still remain in fellowship with us. For ministry we hold in agreement to these to be united and work together successfully to spread the Gospel of Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1v10). We base everything on the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testament, but not including the Apocrypha. We do not rely on translations but refer to the original languages in which the Holy Scriptures were given whenever possible.
missed it ? Catch up on youtube and follow along as we go through acts 1 to 28 fortnightly on Thursdays
gospel message
The Bible is God's message given to man in the past.
It is: INSPIRED: God put the message in the prophet's heart to speak or write.
INFALLIBLE: a message without fault & completely trustworthy. It can not be wrong
ALL SUFFICIENT - everything we need to know to get saved and live our lives as God wants us to.
2Peter 1v20-21
Psalm 33v4
2Timothy 3v15-17
Only ONE GOD is true and living.
Anything else called God or a god is false.
Deuteronomy 6v4 & Mark 12v29-30
He is eternal & self-existent
Eternal means without beginning or end. Self-existent means nobody created him.
His 'name' is "I AM" or "HE IS". It changes, depending on who is speaking. The Hebrew for "HE IS" is YAHWEH, sometimes said Jehovah. He gave himself this name when He spoke to Moses.
Exodus 3v14-15
This One God is revealed in Scripture as THREE PERSONS: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
When we say "God" we usually mean the Father. Jesus is God the Son.
Matthew 28v19
What we believe about Jesus.
Jesus was bern of a virgin and had no human father.
Isaiah 7v14 & Matthew 1v23
Jesus did nothing against the wil off God the Father. Hebrews 7:26 & 1Peter 2v22
Jesus did miracles that were real.
Acts 2v22 & Acts 10v38
Jesus died instead of us to pay for our sin.
Corinthians 5v21 & Hebrews 9v12
Jesus rose from the dead in a real body
Luke 24v39 & 1 Corinthians 15v4
Jesus, having won the victory, went to Heaven.
Acts 1v9 & Ephesians 4v8-10
Jesus is now speaking to the Father on our behalf.
Romans 8v34 & Hebrews 7v25
Jesus is coming Soon, our blessed hope.
1 Corinthians 15v22-24; 51-57
1 Thessalonians 4v13-18 & Revelation 19v11
He will rule Earth as King for 1000 years.
Isaiah 65v25 & Revelation 20v6
Humanity was CREATED GOOD.
Adam received a COMMAND from God.
He DISOBEYED God's command by his own free will.
Sin SEPARATES mankind from God.
All Mankind has INHERITED sin from Adam.
Genesis 1v26-31
Genesis 2v16
Genesis 3v1-7
Isaiah 59v2
Romans 5v12-21
Every person can get saved by FAITH in Christ Jesus.
John 3v16 & Romans 10v8-15
Saved means to have your sin taken away so that you can start to have a right relationship with God and can start to live the life that is pleasing to God. We are saved from sin, not just Hell.
Faith means to rely on, trust, be totally dedicated and to cling to.
Salvation is not by WORKS. We can not earn our way to Heaven by living a good life which would cut out the work of Christ at the Cross. You do not have to live a holy life to get saved. You have to get saved to live a holy life. Those saved always live a life more & more like Jesus (see statement 9). Titus 2v11; 3v5-7, Eph 2v8-10, 1John 2v3-6: 3v9-10
Only JESUS can save from sin. The Jesus we speak of is God the Son, who died to take away our sin just as the Old Testament said.
Acts 4v12 & John 14v6
The BLOOD He shed was the price set for our freedom that we could not pay. By his sacrifice he has bought our freedom for us. He was buried, and three days later rose from among the dead and then ascended to God. 1Peter 1v18-19 & 1Corinthians 15v3-4
Salvation happens the moment you believe and is COMPLETE, not partial - you are either saved or you are not.
Hebrews 7v25
God changes us when we truly put our faith in Jesus. It is a new start in life, so Jesus called it being BORN AGAIN.
John 3v3-6; James 1v18; 1Peter 1v23; 1John 5v1
After death everyone will get a NEW BODY.
All are JUDGED to be either blessed or damned forever.
Blessed: Those with faith in Christ will enjoy the presence of God forever.
Damned: Those without faith in Christ will know the wrath of God forever.
Dan 12v2-3, Mt 25v46, Jn 5v28-29, 1 Cor 15v22-24, 2Thess 1v8-9, Rev 20v10-15
All believers obey the command to be baptised in water.
JESUS did it and taught it.
Mark 1v9-10 & Matthew 28v19
The APOSTLES did it and taught it.
Acts 2138-39 & Acts 10v47-48
It is by FULL IMMERSION (plunged into deep water).
Acts 8v38-39
All believers take part in the breaking of bread.
JESUS did it and taught it.
Luke 22v14-20
The APOSTLES did it and taught it.
Acts 2v42
This will continue UNTIL HE RETURNS
1 Corinthians 11v20-34
All believers strive to live a life worthy of Jesus.
JESUS did it and taught it.
Matthew 4v10, 5v48, 1John 2v6
The APOSTLES did it and taught it.
1 Thessalonians 5v23 & Hebrews 12v14
It is the COMMAND of God "Be holy for I am holy."
1Peter 1v14-16
God can and does fill believers with the Holy Spirit for
POWER, just as He did at Pentecost.
Acts 1v4-5,8; 2v39
The first sign that a person is filled with Him is that they speak in LANGUAGES (tongues) that they themselves have never learned anywhere else. He, the Spirit, gives them the words.
Acts 2v4, 10v44-46, 11v14-16 & 19v6
Once God has filled a believer with the Holy Spirit they may use spiritual GIFTS as He gives them. 1Cor 12v4-11, 28
Some may also be called by God as MINISTERS to step forward as servants to teach and strengthen other Christians to do what God wants them to do.
Ephesians 4v7-16
Healing is in the ATONEMENT.
In taking our sin on the cross He also made it possible to take away sickness according to His will.
Isaiah 53v4-5, Matthew 8v16-17 & James 5v13-16
James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Wilson Street, Perth, PH2 0EY, United Kingdom
Mon | Closed | |
Tue | By Appointment | |
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Thu | 19:00 – 21:30 | |
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Sun | 12:00 – 17:00 |
Sunday morning service breaking of bread 12PM
sunday night gospel message 5PM
Thursday Bible study/prayer meeting alternate 7PM
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